Climate change and the total destruction of life on Earth.

Climate change and the total destruction of life on Earth.

There is a way out of the mess we have made of climate change and the destruction of Nature.

What we know for sure is that carbon mitigation will not work; its too late and we havent even started to reduce emissions, they keep increasing year over year.

Even if we achieve net zero tomorrow, carbon dioxide concentrations will still pass 500 ppm, ocean acidification will still drop below pH 7.95, and we lose most life in the oceans and the life support system for the planet, as well as the primary mechanism that regulates climate change.

We have already destroyed over 70% of all life on Earth since 1970, and probably close on to 90% since 1900. We are part of nature and depend upon nature for our survival, but in 20 years from now, most of it will be gone.

Humanity has poisoned the planet; every litre of rain now contains at least 10 particles of plastic and 5 pharmaceutical or toxic chemicals. Every litre of rain contains herbicides and pesticides. Every animal and plant on the planet contains plastic; all insects everywhere are being killed by the pesticides. Most cancer and many neurological health issues are caused by the toxic substances; life expectancy is falling, and infertility is rapidly increasing due to endocrine disruptors.

What are the academics and scientists doing? They are doing a wonderful job of cataloguing our destruction.

The decision to take action should be easy; the solutions are clear and achievable.

For a detailed analysis check download our report;

and watch this great video, and

We may not survive climate change.

The IPCC’s worst and probably most likely increase in temperature is between 2.5 and 3.7 °C, now revised to 13.2 °C based on a recent report published in Nature. This will be bad, and will cause a mass displacement of people. The extremes in temperature / climate swings will be at the high latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, so temperatures over 50 °C in Europe and maybe even in Northern Europe will become common.

Temperatures have already exceeded 50 °C in British Columbia and as far south as Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It is going to get hotter—a great deal hotter. In report published in Nature Communications estimates the temperature increase will be more than double, so this means temperatures will likely increase to over 60 °C +. Even if it is just one day a year, this is not survivable.

The tropical region, especially +/- 5 deg on either side of the equator, is currently the hottest region on average. However, it does not experience the same massive shifts in temperature, so the tropics will become the only location, and maybe the extreme North and South, where it is possible to survive.

We are now too late to stop climate change if we consider the only cause is carbon dioxide. At GOES, we believe that bioclimatic factors are actually much more important, and they offer a possible solution to dampen the impact of climate change and maybe even reverse the process.

Bioclimatic report.

Can humanity survive the loss of 99% of all marine life.

Can humanity survive the loss of 99% of all marine life.

In 20 years from now, 90% of all marine life will be lost compared to 1970 and 99% compared to 1900

I ask the question using Google Bard…. here is the answer/

The loss of 99% of all marine life would be a catastrophic event for humanity, and survival would be extremely difficult.

Here’s why:
Food Source: Oceans provide a significant portion of the world’s protein through fish and seafood. With 99% gone, this source would be largely eliminated, leading to malnutrition and starvation, especially in coastal communities heavily reliant on fishing.

Climate Regulation: Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. Without marine life, this process would be severely hampered, accelerating global warming and its devastating consequences.

Ecosystem Collapse: Marine life forms a complex web of interconnected ecosystems. Losing 99% would trigger a domino effect, disrupting food chains and causing the collapse of entire ocean environments. This could further impact land-based ecosystems with which the oceans interact.

While some humans might survive by adapting to alternative food sources and mitigating the harshest effects of climate change, it would be a radical shift in our way of life.

Unless we eliminate pollution from toxic for ever chemicals, plastic and partially combusted carbon, and start to regenerate ecosystems and repair the damage humanity has inflicted on Nature, we will be finished over the next 20 years. There is no debate on this subject, it is happening and will be completed over the next two decades.

The solutions are simple, the cost is minimal, failure to implement will cost the earth.

The loss of marine life will end our way of life and most of humanity.

The loss of marine life will end our way of life and most of humanity.

25% of all life in the Oceans depends upon coral, the reality is probably closer to 50% when you also include seagrass and mangroves.

GOES predicted the worlds coral reefs would be gone by 2045, The reality is much sooner than we predicted.

Sure coral bleaching and death is caused by elevated temperatures, but we also know that the primary factor is stress mediated by pollution which also predisposes the coral to disease. Almost unbelievably Oxybenzone used in sunscreens, cosmetics, paints adhesives etc etc is responsible for most of the damage due to its extreme toxicity to marine life. Yet we do not ban this chemical, this is madness at an extreme level……

More than 99% of all marine life will be dead compared to 1900 over the next 20 years. There is an outside chance we can fix the problem if we just take some basic steps, like clean up our wastewater discharges and stop the ecosystem destruction.

Bioclimatic factors regulate the climate, but this is almost irrelevant, because it is impossible for humanity to survive without Nature. The chaos and destruction caused by climate change will be like a walk in the park compared to the loss of nature.

Saved by a can of beer

Sir Robin Knox Johnson, the first person to sail non-stop around the world.

When he sailed sailing vessel Suhaili around the world in 1968, there were at least 4 times more fish, whales and marine life in the worlds Oceans. Marine life is now dying at a rate of at least 2% year on year and over the next 20 years, there will be 50 times less life in comparison to 1900.

The Oceans are dying, the life support system for the planet is collapsing and we are losing the main regulator of the climate, because the focus is on carbon. In any event, nothing is being done to reduce carbon emissions, so it almost a total waste of time.

Sir Robin required sponsorship to help finance his voyage, he went out to industry in the UK, and the response was a £5 gift token for chocolate from Cadburys,  and 10 crates of beer from Tennents in Scotland. Sir Robin later said that he lost most of his water in 3 storms and if it wasn’t for the beer, he may not have made it around the world. It was my father, when he managed Tennents brewery, that donated the beer.

The photo is of Sir Robin and I just before I joined Clipper Around the World Race to crew on the leg between Rio De Janeiro and Cape Town. I chose this leg because it takes you into the rolling 40’s for some serious sailing and marine life. During the 18 day sail in 2015, we did not see any whales. This was a shock to my system and as a result, we started to start answering some questions.

We have now completed stage 1 of GOES and the conclusion is that the Ocean have up to 10 times more plastic and partially combusted carbon particles above 20 microns than marine life at the ocean surface.

60% of all marine life biomass is under 1mm in size and has a doubling time of just 3 days. If we stopped the pollution from lipophilic toxic chemicals, partially combusted carbon, and plastic, marine life would rebound super-fast.

80% of the world’s effluent and atmospheric pollution is discharged untreated, it is now causing 90%+ of all cancer and many other conditions. It would be much easier to clean up our oceans and atmosphere than to reduce carbon emissions.

We could have a clean, healthy world, with an ecosystem that could deal with carbon. This would be the real solution for our survival and climate change, but why is it being totally ignored ? Nature resilience Centre and

Only a small part of climate change has to do with carbon dioxide

In terms of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide represents around 20%, water vapour is by far the largest at 70%, and then you have methane, which is 80 times more of a greenhouse than carbon dioxide and will likely overtake carbon dioxide in a few years.

The loss of natural carbon fixation just from the overexploitation of commercial fisheries is equivalent to all anthropogenic carbon dioxide production. This is just one example; there are many others. So carbon mitigation is almost irrelevant in comparison to the protection of nature.

80% of water vapour comes from the oceans, and the rate of evaporation is controlled by the SML surface microlayer, which is formed by phytoplankton such as coccolithophores and diatoms.

These plankton plants are rapidly disappearing; this is called regime shift by the academics; I call it extinction.

Carbon mitigation is not going to work; this only leaves nature and bioclimatic factors, yet humanity has destroyed more than 70% of nature on land and marine life in the oceans since the 1970s and close to 90% since the 1900s. Most people do not see this happening unless they are over 50 years old. It’s called shifting baseline syndrome.

Our leaders and indeed everyone must reconnect with nature; our survival is directly linked to the survival of nature; there is no technological solution or invention that will make a difference.

Once we have respect and appreciation for nature, we will have respect for fellow citizens, and fixing climate change will be like a walk in the forest.

The NASA PACE mission is on its way today.

PACE = Plankton, Aerosols, Clouds and ocean Ecosystems

Plankton and biogenic factors regulate water vapour pressure and aerosol cloud formation. The combined processes probably contribute over 70% of the anthropogenic factors that regulate the climate. For example, 80% of the world’s water vapour is from evaporation from the ocean surface, which covers 71% of the planet. Plankton produce a lipid surfactant layer that covers the world’s oceans in a skin 1 to 1000 microns thick, which regulates up to 50% of all gas transfers, including water vapour. We know it is really important, but it is only now that the subject is being investigated in detail with the launch of PACE.

We need to take a precautionary approach; we will never have all the facts, but we know that partially combusted carbon particles, plastic, and lipophilic toxic chemicals are killing the planet and destroying plankton.

While we need sensors to monitor the systems and collect data, we also need action. 80% of the world’s municipal and industrial wastewater is discharged untreated; the same applies to atmospheric pollution.

99.82% of the global land area is exposed to toxic levels of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5)

Billions of dollars are being spent on sensors, and effectively nothing on fixing the problem.


The report gives the impression that this has just started to happen when, in reality, the alarm bell has been ringing for 40 years and we are now approaching the end point.

The public and academics have suffered from shifting baseline syndrome, and the world thinks everything is okay. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nature is heading for a crash, and very little is being done to stop the destruction.

A secondary mass delusion is that it is all caused by carbon dioxide and that it can all be solved if we reduce carbon emissions. The anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide is responsible for perhaps 10% to 25% of climate change. The primary factors are pollution from black carbon particles and plastic combined with lipophilic toxic chemicals. For example, black carbon soot makes the snow at the poles darker, making it absorb more heat, which makes the snow even darker as the black particles concentrate on the surface of the snow. This is a self-reinforcing loop that could be responsible for more than 50% of snow and ice melt.

The wastewater from 6 billion people and industrial waste from 80% of all companies in the world is discharged untreated. Pollution is killing nature.

The third delusion, especially for most people living in cities and high-income countries, is that nature does not matter. Why is coral important? What does it matter if all the copepods die?. If either of these two events occurs, 90% of humanity will be lost. The explanation will be given in my next post.

Baobab trees

Wonderfully important Baobab trees, but they are now dying throughout Africa and all at the same time.

The reason given is climate change; I suspect atmospheric pollution is the primary cause. 99.82% of the global land area is exposed to toxic levels of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5)—tiny particles in the air that are linked to lung cancer and heart disease.

Atmospheric particle pollution and the toxic chemicals carried by the particles are also likely to be toxic to the trees. It is absolutely right to be hugging these 3,000-year-old trees because they are unlikely to survive the next 30 years.


The report gives the impression that this has just started to happen when, in reality, the alarm bell has been ringing for 40 years and we are now approaching the end point.

The public and academics have suffered from shifting baseline syndrome, and the world thinks everything is okay. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nature is heading for a crash, and very little is being done to stop the destruction.

A secondary mass delusion is that it is all caused by carbon dioxide and that it can all be solved if we reduce carbon emissions. The anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide is responsible for perhaps 10% to 25% of climate change. The primary factors are pollution from black carbon particles and plastic combined with lipophilic toxic chemicals. For example, black carbon soot makes the snow at the poles darker, making it absorb more heat, which makes the snow even darker as the black particles concentrate on the surface of the snow. This is a self-reinforcing loop that could be responsible for more than 50% of snow and ice melt.

The wastewater from 6 billion people and industrial waste from 80% of all companies in the world is discharged untreated. Pollution is killing nature.

The third delusion, especially for most people living in cities and high-income countries, is that nature does not matter. Why is coral important? What does it matter if all the copepods die?. If either of these two events occurs, 90% of humanity will be lost. The explanation will be given in my next post.