Climate change and the total destruction of life on Earth.
There is a way out of the mess we have made of climate change and the destruction of Nature.
What we know for sure is that carbon mitigation will not work; its too late and we havent even started to reduce emissions, they keep increasing year over year.
Even if we achieve net zero tomorrow, carbon dioxide concentrations will still pass 500 ppm, ocean acidification will still drop below pH 7.95, and we lose most life in the oceans and the life support system for the planet, as well as the primary mechanism that regulates climate change.
We have already destroyed over 70% of all life on Earth since 1970, and probably close on to 90% since 1900. We are part of nature and depend upon nature for our survival, but in 20 years from now, most of it will be gone.
Humanity has poisoned the planet; every litre of rain now contains at least 10 particles of plastic and 5 pharmaceutical or toxic chemicals. Every litre of rain contains herbicides and pesticides. Every animal and plant on the planet contains plastic; all insects everywhere are being killed by the pesticides. Most cancer and many neurological health issues are caused by the toxic substances; life expectancy is falling, and infertility is rapidly increasing due to endocrine disruptors.
What are the academics and scientists doing? They are doing a wonderful job of cataloguing our destruction.
The decision to take action should be easy; the solutions are clear and achievable.
For a detailed analysis check download our report;
and watch this great video, and